Sunday 15 March 2009

Monday Half Term

Monday half term we had all planned to come in at 9:00am in the morning to editing our work as we did not have long to the deadline. Thou I myself needed to be in at 9:00am sharp to hand the camera back to the college for the film studies students to use. I did not have to wait long after for my group mates to come in. We got our camera out and hard drive and begun to capture our shots. Once we had finished capturing our shots we then begun to edit our shots together. We found out that some of the shots were still no good but we had to work with what we had as we had no time to re film our shots, thou many shots were good there was the odd shots that didn't go well when editing the shots together. After constant trying we manged to piece together some shots and deiced to try making a soundtrack but soon found out that it was impossible to make a soundtrack without the full thriller opening. After hours of trying people and to leave, thus we planned to have the thriller opening to be finished on the first week back for the holidays.

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