Monday 23 March 2009


Again unfortunately we experienced bad weather.It was raining very heavily, so this ment that we were unable to film again, because in our previous shot the weather was very nice so even if we did try it wouldnt make any sense because the shots wouldnt match. So instead we decided to stay inside of college and practice filming different shots to give us all a better understanding of what we wer doing. I started taking different shots of Nichole and Tony walking across and over the camera to see what effect would be given off. So the lesson was not wasted and we did learn something new that we could use to better our thriller. In our next lesson we all agreed to take some shots of scenery that we would like to incorperate into our film and also we wanted to book the camera overnight for friday 13th because we had no college and we could use his to our advantage for a chance to completely finish our filming.

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