Monday 23 March 2009



With my group our media product was based on trying to create suspense for the audience. The theme for our product was ‘Thriller’ but we also created confusion to keep our audience guessing, and not make it as predictable as others. The product was set to last for just under 2 minutes which wasn’t hard to accomplish but still put a limit on what we could actually use to open our thriller, the concept was very simple but turned out to be very hard. We challenged the forms and conventions of real media products by using match cuts, shots from different angles and distances, location shots showing different parts of London Bridge, emphasising that we have filmed in London and then developed and edited them together and also added an edited soundtrack to create suspense within our product.

Our media product represents a particular social group which we wanted the audience to see as sophisticated and upper class. The actors were dressed very modern to look like business people. Our female lead wore a long black jacket, black shoes with a silver heel which gave good effect in our shots and a black hand bag. Our male lead wore a shirt and tie, trousers, a short jacket and black shoes. Both actors were dressed to look very sophisticated like the everyday working class person. We wanted the audience to see both male and female who would look like there in their early twenty’s, heterosexual and very contemporary.

The kind of media institution that might distribute our media product if we put it on release would most probably be either the internet on such sites like you tube, my space, face book or a small independent UK release, distributed around a small number of UK ‘arthouse’ cinemas. I think this because we have a short and simple British storyline that wouldn’t cost as much as a big Hollywood Blockbuster that would be distributed around the world, plus our thriller is set in the UK and our lead characters are British citizens, and most British films don’t have enough money to distribute their films around the world so there mainly kept in the UK.

The main audience for our media product would be people that like a more suspenseful, sophisticated type of thriller film. For example someone like my cousin Ashleigh who is a 21 year old female who would demographically fit under the description as an achiever. She is more of a mainstream girl, she works in fashion retail, loves going on you tube and face book, does all her clothes shopping in stores like Next, Zara, Coast, House of Frasier etc. She loves UK productions and she is from a highly educated background. She aspires to start her own independent business and is known for her feminist views which could relate to our thriller because it is called ‘The Lady Killer’ and is not about the stereotyped man that kills women but instead a women that kills men.

The main way that I think we could attract an audience would be to market our thriller film through its genre. We could advertise it on posters that could go on buses, in shops, Billboards, on bus stop stands or even in newspapers. Anywhere that could be noticed by the public eye.

Also people of the public like things that they see on TV or on the internet because it includes technology, so we could also market our thriller film over the internet on face book, myspace, etc. or even as a TV commercial that comes on once in the morning, twice in the afternoon and then once again in the evening on selected channels. Another way to market and advertise our product would be to release a trailer that we could post on you tube.

Through the process of constructing this product I have learnt things that I didn’t know
before when it came to technology. Firstly on a practical hands on level my experience of filming our product was very interesting for me because I had to learn how to use the camera correctly, by understanding what buttons done what or how to do a particular shot like long shot etc. I wasn’t so much involved when it came to actually using the final cut pro, but I was there to watch and suggest where we should put a certain shot and I did see how it was done which I would be very interested in using next time. Also we had to record the process of filming onto our blog which I didn’t really understand at first but learned very quickly how to do certain things on our blog like upload our video. Unfortunately we didn’t get to upload our film onto vimeo because our teacher did but I know how it was done and next time I would be able to do it with no complication. By using the internet it has widened the potential audience for our product because anyone anywhere will be able to access our film.

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel I have learnt a lot in the progression from it to the full product. From our lesson on the ‘match cut’ exercise we were able to use what we had learned about it and how to display it in our product before we started the process of filming the product, we were able to include it which was a big success. Through this I have learned a lot about the film making process and I now understand how much time, effort and patience is actually needed because in order for us to start filming we had to think of a storyboard first that everyone on the team could agree with, draw it up and plan out exactly how it was going to happen, the costumes, the props, location, if we needed permission to film in a certain place etc.
Then there was the process of starting to film, we had to do lots of different shots from different angles, repeat the same shots, use different lighting to see if it would look good or not. And also make sure if the weather was going to be alright for us to film because most of the time when we did film we were out in the cold for hours which wasn’t very nice. Also after filming we had to edit our shots together and decide what should go where and with what, make sure the soundtrack suited the theme and finally post our finished product onto the blog.
Altogether I would say that the film process is a long process that needs a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment in order for you to get the end result that you want but also it can be fun and show you the ups and downs of being in a team. I liked this experience and I would like to do it again.

The audience feed back that we got was very positive when we went to the cinema to watch everyone’s final product. We where criticized on our point of view shots, switching between characters, music soundtrack and costume. At first no one understood what was going on because they thought that the male lead was stalking our female lead which in the end was shown that they where wrong so we were happy with the fact that the audience was confused for a split second. Everyone also said that our soundtrack and costume went well with our story concept. So that was good to hear as well. Overall they liked our thriller because it kept them in suspense which was one of our main objectives.

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