Friday 27 February 2009

Friday 27th February

Today the thriller opening sequence must be handed in by 3 pm. The soundtrack was not done so I had to do it because no one else was coming in to do it. I got to college at 9 am bearing in mind I did not start until one. I was starting on the soundtrack when Tony came in, after a while. We went slowly through the sound bank trying to compose a decent enough soundtrack for our thriller.. At break I left to have a break and left Tony in charge, which was my mistake as Tony did not even save the work and I had to restart the soundtrack after lunch. Zeneath briefly came in to see the sequence but did not participate. I had a lesson but told my teacher I had to finish this project so the teacher allowed me to stay until I completed it. In the edit suite I sat there by myself trying to complete the soundtrack even though Tony looked through the sound bank for music and put aside the ones he thought were decent which was very helpful. It was very hard to make the soundtrack and this has shown me how much of a difficult job the production team of a movie have. After finding music suitable to the action in the thriller I had to save it in Soundtrack Pro and then compressed the file and exported it to FinalCut Pro then had to save it there in a different format, I checked for any final changes and then I save the completed sequence. Then the thriller was completed, I thought I had trouble with the soundtrack as it was not flowing with the action it seemed to be about two seconds behind, so I fixed that with the help of Mary and the finally I felt complete. I the showed Nicole who came in just as I finished, I showed her and then I save the project and the feeling of completion was great knowing that I did a great deal of the work.

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