Sunday 1 February 2009

Rebecca Lesson - 29/01/09

In this lesson we had planned that we were going to be filming, however, the previous night, Tony had told me not to bother bringing in my costume as we were no longer filming, due to the length of our lesson. It would have not been enough time to travel there, film the last fraction, and travel back all within the time of the lesson. (The lesson only lasts 1hr30mins). In this case, instead of wasting the lesson, as a group we decided to use the time efficiently, and go into the editing sweet, and begun to edit what we had already filmed, leaving only a small part to film, and a small part to edit, keeping us ahead of what we were expected to accomplish by each week. We also decided to start editing, as it allows us to see what we have done so far, giving us enough time to make improvements, in case we need to re-film any parts.
As I looked threw each clip we filmed, organising it and naming each clip, making it easier for editing, I felt like we needed to re film some parts as the ground was unlevelled and uneven, causing some parts hard to edit as you could easily notice this fault. This is an issue I will be discussing with my group as I feel like it is vital to re- film these parts in order to get a better grade.

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