Wednesday 18 February 2009

First film lesson of our thriller

On the Monday morning we all got to the lesson at 9:00am, right on time every1 was ready to go, me and Nicole had our costumes ready and set to go all we need now was to get the camera which was taken care of by Rebecca and Zeneath while me and Nicole were getting our costumes on. Once we was all set Me and Nicole need to inform the group about our Saturday trip to look at locations and tell them which location we thought was best and ask of their opinion. It was an easy decision because the whole group agreed to film there after hearing what I and Nicole had to say. Once that was all done we was set and ready to go all we need to do is tell Mary where was going to film and we was set on our way.

We hoped onto the 43 bus which took us all the way there, we knew which bus to take exactly because we had been there previously. Once we had reached London Bridge we got down to film right away. We did shots of the scenery to establish the location which we set it in, which Rebecca and Zeneath both tired doing. Once that was dealt with the scenery shots we moved to the shots of Nicole. We had pans of Nicole walking down the bridge and down stairs, which took up a large amount of time to our surprise. Once that was complete the same was need to be done to me and over the shoulder shots of me. We had done so much shooting that we didn’t realise it was almost time to go back so we had to pack up and get the equipment back for 12:45am.

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