Thursday 26 February 2009

Thursday 26th February

Today was the day before the deadline, we had a lot to do which seemed impossible to complete in an hour and a half. We had to add a soundtrack and credits to our opening sequence which I feel is a little late as now we were rushing to complete it. The group previously thought we would finish this sequence in 3 lessons as the idea of The Lady Killer was very simple. 
I was editing and I had Nicole helping out, telling me which footage she thought went well, but basically I felt that the opening sequence was not that great but I could only work with what I got and did not think the camera shots were that good but all I could do was edit it to make it better which I think I did. As I added in slow motion towards the end of the sequence where Nicole leaves Tony on the floor, I felt that created tension to Nicole also where Tony falls to the floor the slow motion used there allows us to portray to the audience that he has been knocked unconscious. Those I feel are the best parts of the opening sequence. 
We tried to do the credits which I did, where I feel I was a bit biased as I wanted to put my name as director as I feel I have contributed to the group the most, but that caused an argument so I decided not to put no one's name. 
I put Nicole and Tony as an actress and actor.
Zeneath did the camerawork. 
Nicole also came up the theme so I put that down. 
I did the editing and the soundtrack.
After that all we had to do was the soundtrack which we attempted during the half-term but gave up after the sounds were not that great. So we left it and decided it would be done tomorrow by Tony. 

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