Wednesday 18 February 2009

Rebecca lesson - 05/02/09

Today there was a change of plan as we had planned to continue filming due to being unable to finish filming completely in the previous lesson, however as Rebecca’s lesson only lasts for 1hour and 30minutes there was not much point in travelling all the way to London Bridge as by time we would have gotten there, it would have been time to come back making it not worth our while. Due to the distance of our location, we thought, instead of not doing anything constructive with our time we decided to go into the editing sweet and start editing. We then borrowed an editing camera and hard drive connecting both equipments to the Mac, where we begun to log and capture our work which we had filmed last lesson. After we had finished that, we began to place all the clips together, so that we could at least have an idea of what we had already done, leaving us enough time to change or improve any parts if necessary. After finishing editing what we had already filmed, we realized that the footage we had filmed could have been better, as there was some issues such as the floor was uneven, we had some trouble with the amount of people that was walking past, etc. All these problems interfered, along with some faulty shots we took which all contributed to the disappointing outcome. Nevertheless, luckily we starting editing before we were expected to, giving us enough time re-film, and not make the same mistakes we made before. We were more determined to make sure we took more than enough valuable shots so that we could have an impressive outcome. Based on this, we planned to reschedule what we were going to be doing the following lesson in order to fit everything in without losing out on any time.

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