Sunday 4 January 2009

The Shining - How suspense is builded

In this clip of the shining suspense has slowly been built up by the director as it starts off with the picture of a dark hotel on the mountain top. It then cuts to a black screen with the word 'tuesday' shown in white letters with a high pitch low toned sound. Already this has given the viewer a feeling of suspense because of the dramatic affect it has making you think what is going to happen next. The clip then cuts into another scene of the little boy riding his play bike through the deserted hall ways of the hotel.

The camera tracks the little boy as he twists and turns on the corners of the corridors. And the music gradually gets louder. Suspense is created particulary at this point because the camera stops with the boy, close ups and off the shoulder shots are shown of the room door, 237 as the young boy appairs to be drawn to it. At this point you want to know whats going to happen next because the music has started to get louder and more menacing than before.The camera then stops as the boy approaches the appartment door, it follows him off the bike and stops in a medium close up shot. Suspense has definately been built up here, because you want to know whats behind the door, or whats going to happen to the boy.

The music is louder and the camera is still. The suspense is cut by a quick unexpected clip of two young twin girls then back to door which at first would make you jump, because it came out of no where. As the boy approaches the door the music is louder, and just by that the viewer would think something bad is going to happen but as he trys to open the door its locked and the music goes back down, and all the suspense is drawn away as he rides away on his bike still looking over his shoulder.
The location of this clip alone builds up alot of suspense for the viewer because you would wonder why a little boy is all alone riding through deserted hall ways of a hotel.

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