Thursday 22 January 2009

The Pitch

Monday 19th January

In this lesson we prepared for our ten minute pitch to Mary and the rest of the class. We were given a chance at the start of the lesson to prepare for the pitch, get our group together and go over our idea. At first our idea was to have a romance type thriller – where a successful, married woman has an affair and her husband realises and seeks revenge similar to ‘what lies beneath’. This as an opening sequence however would not have worked as it would not have looked realistic unless we got actors of a mid 30’s to play the roles required, this would have been difficult to find the suitable people and times to film where it fits everyone timetables. So after some careful thought Nicole came up with the idea that we decided as our final idea, it was a typical stalking type thriller – where a woman stalks a man as if he is her prey. To portray this we hope to use tracking of the feet throughout the opening sequence not revealing the faces of the characters to create tension. Also close up and medium close up’s to add suspense to our two minute thriller. After as a group we came to the conclusion of our film idea we then each chose a specific area of to pitch to the class, we covered:
· Music – the use of a voice-over, background music, natural sounds such as footsteps, loud breathing.
· Props – Handbag and contents inside it.
· Costume – smart causal though you will not see the clothes: heels and smart shoes
· Editing – the camera cuts and speed to create intensity
· camera shots – medium close ups and close ups: panning and tracking
· lighting – the use of daylight instead of fluorescent lights.
The pitch went well exploring all areas required. I made a production schedule so now we are ready for filming on Thursday’s lesson.

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