Sunday 25 January 2009

Preparing and presenting our pitch

In today’s double lesson we were told to prepare our pitch. We were sitting there, discussing what we would we would be doing and who will be talking about what parts of the pitch and so forth. We as a group decided to change our story from our initial idea at the last minute. We change our idea from a story about an affair then changed it to, a woman who kills a man but we do not know who the killer is to the very end is as she walks off. The way we would have to pull this off and make it look good, we would have to have good scenery and have perfect camera shots and editing to not bore the audience. Once we had came up with our story we had to allocate task for each member. My task was to talk about the plot of our thriller opening and the camera shots. Once we was finished with our pitch, Mary asked us questions and her concerns about our thriller opening and we had to justify why was doing our thriller this way and so forth. Once that was all done Mary gave us the all clear and we were ready to film for next lesson.

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